
TOP Auto Backlink PR1.



HitLeap*.7Set the visit length and hits per hour for every URL. Optionally change or hide the HTTP referer.
247AutoHits30.5Convert credits to banner and text link views. 50% cash commissions for upgraded members.
Twistrix*.6Custom timers, option to hide the HTTP referer.
*.75Custom timer and hits per hour, referral rewards, banner exchange. Can convert minutes to cash.
eBesucher15.8German site with lots of members, fast delivery, and geotargeting. Can sell credits for cash.
WebSyndic*.8Fast credit usage, custom timer, geotargeting. Available in French and English languages.
Otohits*1Custom timer and HTTP referer, site categories.
SmileyTraffic20.5Over 170k members, stable surfbar.
FeelingSurf10.6French autosurf with a modern interface and fast delivery. Option to get only unique visitors.
EliteAutosurf10.5Weekly referral contest. Banner advertising.
GlobalBlaster10.5*Conversion to banner and text link impressions, progressive ratio, no login required to surf.
GlobaleHits10.5*Part of the Global Blaster network; same features.
AutoSurfMyth8.5Instant surf URL, conversion to banner credits. Clean sites in rotation thanks to manual approval.
Yibbida121High surfing ratio. Banner & text ad exchanges.
10K Hits10.5Lots of members and a large signup bonus.
Ablaze With
20.75Banner and text link advertising, surfing bonuses. No login needed to start surfing.*.5Russian autosurf with huge membership, custom HTTP referer, and dedicated surfing software.*.5Russian autosurf with custom HTTP referer, 5 referral levels, and dedicated surfing software.*.5Russian autosurf with custom HTTP referer, geotargeting, and a surfing program.*.5Russian autosurf with custom HTTP referer, 5 referral levels, and dedicated surfing software.
PageFox15.7German site with paid to surf option and 5€ signup bonus. Ongoing referral and surfing contests.
SurfMore.eu20.6German autosurf with multiple promotion and earning options. Displays up to 4 sites per view.
CrunchingBT20.7German autosurf. Convert traffic credits to money.
24besucher10.7German autosurf with credit to cash conversion.
Auto-Surf.de30.7German autosurf, sends hits fast.
WebSurf.cz15.8Czech TE with lots of members and fast traffic.
AutoSurf.sk20.8Slovak autosurf with good traffic delivery.
auto-surf.pl20.8Polish autosurf with no-login surfbar.
AutoVisitor20.5German autosurf with a large signup bonus.
360clicks.de101German autosurf, delivers hits fast.
UserPark.de10.7German traffic exchange with 8 referral levels.
Lautosurf10.5French autosurf with framebreaker protection.
Autosurf.fr10.5French autosurf with framebreaker protection.


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